Fur Wearables

Furocious Designs Furocious Designs was an etsy shop I opened when I was still studying in undergrad college. I handsew themed furry hoods and hats for fellow students, ravers and customers around the world. I was inspired by spirit hoods with with an anime twist, drawing from nature, the wild and our fellow furry animals as models for these soft…

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Conscious Wearables

The Internet of Consciousness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrBxB6Pyf94 Welcome to the Internet of Consciousness The Internet of Consciousness explores the changing the landscape around altered consciousness and imagines a suite of products catered towards a user’s journey into Self. These wearables create experiences of integrating mind, body and spirit that are augmented into daily life through the designed wearable ecosystem, creating a…

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Scientific Measurement Wearables

Grin City: Culture Lab Grin City uses the collaborative act of making—a sculpture, a play, a dinner, a garden—to bring communities together. Grin City believes that when a community comes together to share experiences, skills or stories, it is more likely to invest personally in the collective improvement of that community and the people who share it. When art-making is…

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Political Wearables: Using Design to Reimagine Political Activism

Using social justice and activism to understand how social movements and cultural differences influence community behavior, I wanted to see whether or not technology and human connection can make a difference with people involved in social change.

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